Last Updated January 2023
Victoria Miro is committed to combatting slavery and human trafficking. This statement sets out the steps that Victoria Miro is taking to ensure modern slavery is not taking place in our business or supply chains and is made pursuant to Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. This statement is applicable for the financial year, which began on 6 April 2023. The statement applies to Victoria Miro as a whole, which includes the following entities:
Victoria Miro Gallery Ltd. (Company no. 02744895) – a commercial art gallery showing the work of established and emerging artists from the USA, Europe and Asia.
Our Performance
Set out below is a summary of our activities over the financial year beginning 6 April 2023 and what we set out to achieve going forward.
Supply Chain & Contractual
We have established the highest risk categories in our supply chain based on the level of spend and nature of activities. These categories are:
1. Construction and Design;
2. Shipping and Transport;
3. Catering;
4. Communications;
5. Facilities Management;
6. Catering;
7. IT.
New Suppliers:
As part of our procurement processes we will plan to ask questions of potential suppliers regarding their compliance with the Modern Slavery Act, where the service falls within our main risk categories and anticipated spend is above £25,000. We will review responses from suppliers, together with their own Modern Slavery policies, and raise further queries where appropriate.
Existing Suppliers:
[note: this activity was carried out at the beginning of 2023].
We have carried out some initial due diligence against suppliers with whom Victoria Miro spent over £25,000 in the calendar year 2022. This involved ‘desktop’ Internet research to establish whether suppliers publish a modern slavery statement on their website. Of the 118 suppliers identified, 45 had turnover below £36m or were based overseas and therefore may not be required to publish a statement. Of the remaining 73, 14 had a modern slavery statement clearly published on their website. We intend to follow up directly with the remaining 59 suppliers
Victoria Miro has a policy on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking, which was updated in January 2024.
Our Whistleblowing Policy refers to modern slavery as an example of a concern which might fall under the Policy.
Training, Recruitment and Employment
We have not undertaken specific staff training relating to modern slavery. We will review this in 2024.
When individuals apply to work at Victoria Miro, we have a number of robust recruitment procedures in place to proactively manage any risk of modern slavery that are in line with employment law.
When new members of staff begin work at Victoria Miro, they are provided with a staff handbook, which contains information on modern slavery and references the Victoria Miro Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy.
If you have any queries regarding this statement, please contact:
Name: Robert Holzberger
San Marco 1994,
Calle Drio La Chiesa
30124 Venice, Italy
t: +39 041 523 3799
View map
During exhibitions:
London: Tuesday–Saturday: 10am–6pm.
Venice: Tuesday–Saturday: 10am–1pm & 2–6pm.
We are also closed on Sundays, Mondays and public holidays.
Admission free.
All general enquiries should be sent to
Victoria Miro does not accept unsolicited artist applications.
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Read our Modern Slavery Statement here.
Read our sustainability statement here.
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